Gift Card Blues

It happened again.  My grief game of Chutes and Ladders found me in a decent position.  Lately, I had managed to avoid several chutes, even climbing a few ladders.  Oh, I landed on some small slides now and again, but I soon worked my way past them.   Then,...

Down Memory Lane

There is a saying that goes like this: “Be careful what you pray for,” meaning that your request may be granted in an unexpected (and possibly undesired) way.  Recently I had been looking at all the boxes of books and other stuff in my basement and praying for the...

Naturally thankful

I am continually fascinated by the things my Heavenly Father uses to gain my attention, causing me to focus on Him. Now that the daylight hours are getting shorter, I greet each new morning while it is still dark outside.  That means I can enjoy the sunrise on days I...