by Sara Ray | Feb 19, 2020 | Cooks' Corner
February is National Hot Breakfast Month. As I sit here trying to decide what to write about, I have the recipes already chosen for this week’s column. My breakfast is over; yes, I did try one of the recipes this morning. Now I need to figure out...
by Sara Ray | Nov 27, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Another holiday is coming up, and sometimes I find it hard to face the idea that there will be someone missing at my Thanksgiving table. I remember the first meal my family had together after my husband graduated to Heaven. Things got quiet when we bowed...
by Sara Ray | Nov 13, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Someone forgot to tell the weatherman that November is an autumn month. The forecast for the next several days sounds more like winter. By the time this column comes out in the newspaper, we will know if we have descended to the predicted lows, which could be...
by Sara Ray | Nov 21, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, many refrigerators are bulging with items-in-waiting. Pies are either baking in the oven or set out for cooling. A turkey might be thawing in the fridge, or if someone is like me and forgot to take it out of the freezer soon enough,...
by Sara Ray | Jun 20, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
It happened again. My grief game of Chutes and Ladders found me in a decent position. Lately, I had managed to avoid several chutes, even climbing a few ladders. Oh, I landed on some small slides now and again, but I soon worked my way past them. Then,...