The sauce of life

One of the things I try to do in life is to find blessings in situations that are considered to be negative.  Last week I wrote about my cousin Jimmy, who passed away on February 21st.  My son Jonathan, my grandson Elijah, and I traveled to Tennessee for the...

The saucy month of March

I do not know why March was chosen as National Sauce Month; however, after reading the definition of the word “saucy,” I have an idea.  According to, “saucy” means: 1. served with or having the consistency of sauce 2...

Fun with family

A good portion of last week was spent with family.  My daughter Molly came on Wednesday with her younger two children, Lincoln and Melody.  Maggie (who lives with her dad) arrived on Friday.  My house has been filled with the sounds of children for several days; now...

The sauce of life

Life would be bland without those things that bring us joy.  My family always saw pets as a blessing, and we had plenty of them.  Not all at once, mind you, but the years of my childhood were filled with various types of creatures.   Life would be bland without...

Books, books, and more books!

I love books.  Maybe a little too much.  I could not even begin to say how many hours of my life have been spent reading.  Sometimes it has been for inspiration, sometimes for education or instruction, but the majority of it has been reading for pleasure.  Some books...