Let us eat salad!

When I read a recent newspaper information story, it triggered a whole flood of memories.  It seems that beginning in June, our publication will be delivered by mail instead of carrier.  Times have sure changed.  A whole lot of years ago when a friend...

For the Foodie in all of us

Regular readers of Cooks’ Corner know that I often look to a list of monthly “specials” when I am deciding which type of recipes to feature during a particular week.  Some months are overloaded with ideas, while others are sorely lacking.  April falls in the...

Have a Cherry-ful Day!

It is time to write Cooks’ Corner again, the morning I use every week to sit down in front of my computer and type out what I am going to say.  Usually, I have very few, if any, interruptions.  However, today has been a different story.  Birthdays are...

February Specials

I spent a portion of Saturday evening doing something I love to do.  My church congregation held a Hymn Sing, and I had been looking forward to it.  I could sing most of the songs without ever looking at the words on the screen because the lyrics were so...

Leftover memories

On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, many refrigerators are bulging with items-in-waiting.  Pies are either baking in the oven or set out for cooling.  A turkey might be thawing in the fridge, or if someone is like me and forgot to take it out of the freezer soon enough,...