Green and found in the garden

Green and found in the garden

There are times when my calendar looks mercifully clear, and I look forward to time spent working on things I need to do around my house and yard.  Last week the only thing I had scheduled was a doctor appointment on Wednesday afternoon.  I had an ultrasound...

Red, Ripe, and Ready-to-Eat

I am so ready for a luscious red tomato from my garden.  I have had a few Juliet grape tomatoes and some yellow cherry tomatoes; however, the larger varieties are a long way from ripening.  I would settle for a large yellow tomato, but they are nowhere near...

Dealing with too much of a good thing

Last week I finally managed to make a food donation to the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter.  It is something I have meant to do since I managed to purchase several 4-packs of the wrong flavor of canned cat food.  I also took the towels I used to dry...

A day for flags and fireworks

The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, is the date we as a country celebrate the establishment of our nation.  Through the years, we have been truly blessed to enjoy the freedoms we hold dear.  Those freedoms, however, were not without cost.  And they...

Take time to remember

Since Memorial Day is just around the corner in next week, I would like to remind everyone that our Congress has established a National Moment of Remembrance; asking all Americans, wherever they are, to pause at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a one-minute...