She’s gone nutty!

She’s gone nutty!

I don’t know about everyone else, but all this isolation has me feeling a little (okay, maybe a LOT) nutty.  During the last few weeks, life has seemed upside down.  Perhaps that is why I decided to make good on a challenge my son Adam gave me several years ago....

The Icing on the Cake

June is a popular month for weddings.  A glance at my monthly calendar reminded me that thirty-one years ago, my youngest sister, Melissa, chose the 25th of June for her marriage ceremony.  For some reason, memories of that time came in like a flood. Melissa...

Savor the sweet

Did you ever have one of those times when things just didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to be?  The latter part of last week was that way for me.  Knowing I was leaving Wednesday afternoon to go to Lebanon (Indiana), I realized I needed to get my...

Spring flour

In a few days, this month will have Marched on by.  The first quarter of 2019 will be history.  Didn’t the year just get started?  Someone once explained that the reason time seems to speed up as we get older is because each year is a smaller fraction...

April: A month to go nuts!

On my refrigerator is a magnet that declares, “My family tree is full of nuts.”  As I recall, one of my sisters purchased it for me; maybe she wanted me to use it to remember her.  On the other hand, she probably thought of me when she bought it. One of my favorite...