Observing Father’s Day

I almost forgot about Father’s Day this year.  Maybe it’s not too surprising; my dad, my father-in-law, and my husband are no longer living and so the significance of the day doesn’t stand out like it did formerly.  But since I remembered, I have some thoughts on the...

Recipes that work for Labor Day

Summer is winding rapidly to a close.  Nights are becoming cooler, and it is getting dark much earlier.  However, summer still has one last hurrah – Labor Day.  I was having trouble deciding on which recipe(s) to delete out of the ones I selected but decided to cut...

Go for the grill on Father’s Day

Summer may not have started officially, but hotter days have already made their appearance.  When the temperatures creep above 85 degrees, who wants to turn on the oven?  Cooking on the grill is an excellent way to keep the heat outside where it belongs. As I was...

A Day to Remember

For me, this year’s Memorial Day takes on a new meaning.  Besides remembering those who gave their lives for our country, I will be thinking of my wedding day forty-one years ago. Bob and I meant every word we vowed when we uttered the words, “Till death do us part.” ...