Home-grown humor; kitchen-made gifts

Two things I enjoy in life are my grandchildren and a good story, especially if the story is humorous.  These two things often go hand-in-hand. The day before Thanksgiving, I met my son, Adam, along with his two sons, for lunch.  The main purpose of this trip was to...

More cookie!

When I looked up October on my list of monthly “celebrations,” I discovered that it wears a multitude of hats, National Cookie Month being among them.  Since I love to bake cookies, that seemed like a good thing.  It is also National Dessert, Popcorn Poppin’, and...

Cookies With Maggie

Cookies with Maggie   It has been quite some time since my granddaughter, Maggie, and I had a chance to spend time together in the kitchen.  However, Maggie is spending her spring break with Grammie, and we are making up for lost time. I informed Maggie that...