Feeling down?  Bake cookies!

There are days that I sit down to write my column knowing exactly what my subject is going to be.  There are other days when I have a vague idea; it just needs to be fleshed out.  Still other days I am praying for a story to put with the recipes I have gathered.  My...

A cool July treat!

Although National Ice Cream Day (July 15th) is over, the cool thing is that July is still National Ice Cream month.  It was designated as such in 1984 by then-president Ronald Reagan. During the summer, many people enjoy making homemade ice cream.  In this day and...

Down Memory Lane

There is a saying that goes like this: “Be careful what you pray for,” meaning that your request may be granted in an unexpected (and possibly undesired) way.  Recently I had been looking at all the boxes of books and other stuff in my basement and praying for the...

April: A month to go nuts!

On my refrigerator is a magnet that declares, “My family tree is full of nuts.”  As I recall, one of my sisters purchased it for me; maybe she wanted me to use it to remember her.  On the other hand, she probably thought of me when she bought it. One of my favorite...

Christmas time is cookie time!

Christmas time is cookie time!   One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is to bake cookies.  It is a task that is more fun when shared, but I still enjoy baking them even by myself. During the previous eleven Christmas seasons that I have...