She’s gone nutty!

She’s gone nutty!

I don’t know about everyone else, but all this isolation has me feeling a little (okay, maybe a LOT) nutty.  During the last few weeks, life has seemed upside down.  Perhaps that is why I decided to make good on a challenge my son Adam gave me several years ago....

A Reason to Celebrate!

During my childhood years, the holiday known as “Easter” was often referred to as “Resurrection Sunday.”  This is quite understandable, as the whole reason Christians celebrate it is the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  Lately, there has been a...
Spring flours

Spring flours

Spring arrives on March 19th this year.  It seems early, but we have been waiting all winter for the news that spring has sprung.  However, winter doesn’t always listen to the fact that it is supposed to be gone, so we can’t depend on it to completely go...

What’s not to like about cherries?

I had been planning this week’s column in my head for quite a while, but then, as often happens, life got in the way.  For just over a month now, I have been getting reports on my cousin Jimmy and his health issues.  Then, on Friday evening, I learned that Jimmy will...
Valentine’s Day Surprise

Valentine’s Day Surprise

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.  It is usually billed as a romantic holiday, filled with cards, flowers, and chocolate.  This celebration often brings quite a bit of income to retailers who specialize in those areas.  For the most part, my late husband didn’t...