Start with a good breakfast

Even though my last column was published the day after Christmas, I wrote it before the holiday.  Now that our celebration is over, I can relate details of how I spent my time with family. There was a splendid sunrise on Christmas morning.  If it had not been for...

2020 Vision

The day after.  Have you ever thought about what it is like to be the morning following a highly-anticipated holiday?  The celebration that we eagerly awaited is now past tense.  The presents are unwrapped, the stockings no longer bulge with goodies, and the...

Nuts about Christmas Cookies

I think I have been way too busy lately.  When I haven’t been going somewhere, I have been preparing to go somewhere.  (We won’t talk about the morning I spent in the dentist’s office getting crowns on a couple of teeth.)    I readied a craft...

A Sweet Christmas

Through the years, I have witnessed many reactions when I inform people that I am allergic to chocolate.  I would say that the most common one is horror, followed by pity.  If I had a dollar for every time someone remarked, “You poor thing!” I would be a rich woman. ...

Chill Chasers

The last month of 2019 has arrived.  Along with December comes the busy-ness of the Christmas season.  Shopping for presents – gifts for those we hold dear, and gifts for those who may be not-so-dear.  Holiday music fills the stores, is tuned in on the radio, and...

Blessed Beyond Measure

Another holiday is coming up, and sometimes I find it hard to face the idea that there will be someone missing at my Thanksgiving table.  I remember the first meal my family had together after my husband graduated to Heaven.  Things got quiet when we bowed...