Good neighbors are super!

One thing I learned early in life is that it is a blessing to have good neighbors.  My childhood was spent in a suburb of Knoxville, Tennessee.  Known as “Fountain City,” it was annexed by the larger municipality during my early elementary school years.  My family...

Start with a good breakfast

Even though my last column was published the day after Christmas, I wrote it before the holiday.  Now that our celebration is over, I can relate details of how I spent my time with family. There was a splendid sunrise on Christmas morning.  If it had not been for...

2020 Vision

The day after.  Have you ever thought about what it is like to be the morning following a highly-anticipated holiday?  The celebration that we eagerly awaited is now past tense.  The presents are unwrapped, the stockings no longer bulge with goodies, and the...

Nuts about Christmas Cookies

I think I have been way too busy lately.  When I haven’t been going somewhere, I have been preparing to go somewhere.  (We won’t talk about the morning I spent in the dentist’s office getting crowns on a couple of teeth.)    I readied a craft...

A Sweet Christmas

Through the years, I have witnessed many reactions when I inform people that I am allergic to chocolate.  I would say that the most common one is horror, followed by pity.  If I had a dollar for every time someone remarked, “You poor thing!” I would be a rich woman. ...

Chill Chasers

The last month of 2019 has arrived.  Along with December comes the busy-ness of the Christmas season.  Shopping for presents – gifts for those we hold dear, and gifts for those who may be not-so-dear.  Holiday music fills the stores, is tuned in on the radio, and...

Blessed Beyond Measure

Another holiday is coming up, and sometimes I find it hard to face the idea that there will be someone missing at my Thanksgiving table.  I remember the first meal my family had together after my husband graduated to Heaven.  Things got quiet when we bowed...

Putting the “Thanks” in Thanksgiving

Sandwiched between all the hoopla of Halloween and the Christmas hubbub is the holiday we call Thanksgiving.  In years gone by, this day seemed to have a lot more meaning than it does currently.  Halloween was less of a production, and Christmas lights didn’t show up...
It’s “Soup-er” Weather!

It’s “Soup-er” Weather!

Someone forgot to tell the weatherman that November is an autumn month.  The forecast for the next several days sounds more like winter.  By the time this column comes out in the newspaper, we will know if we have descended to the predicted lows, which could be...

Toot, Toot! Peanut Butter

Here we are in November.  The time has changed, dropping back an hour.  It does get dark an hour earlier, but I like the fact that the sun comes up sooner in the morning.  I guess there are pros and cons to the whole time change business; if it were up...