by Sara Ray | Feb 14, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
I am not really a morning person, nor am I a night owl. Depending on my schedule, I can be one or the other, but I don’t do well if I have to “burn the candle at both ends.” The older I get, the more I would rather get up early than stay up late. I manage to do...
by Sara Ray | Feb 7, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
February has arrived and with it thoughts of Valentine’s Day. For many folks, Valentine’s Day conjures up visions of chocolate. However, there are those (like me) who just happen to have allergic reactions to this delectable substance. That is why my column seldom...
by Sara Ray | Jan 31, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
This is the time of year that folks are building up for it. Grocery store ads are full of ideas for foods to enjoy while watching it. People on the radio are talking about it, as are those on television. Parties are planned around its broadcast this coming Sunday...
by Sara Ray | Jan 24, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
It seems like January has more than its fair share of designations for National (whatever) Month. I have already addressed National Soup Month and Bread Machine Baking Month. This week, I was wavering between National Egg Month and Oatmeal Month. I reviewed past...
by Sara Ray | Jan 17, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
I have been getting recipes ready for Pie Day, which is January 23rd. Internet research tells me that “it was created simply to celebrate the pie” ( How should one celebrate this special occasion? If you like to bake, make a pie. If you...