Garden-Fresh Flavor

It’s that time of year again, and I am excited!  My hard work is beginning to pay off; my garden is starting to yield fresh produce.  I have enjoyed sugar snap peas for a couple of weeks.  A few yellow cherry tomatoes have ripened; they don’t last very long after I...
Strong to the Finish

Strong to the Finish

Remember the cartoon character Popeye?  The one who was “strong to the finish” because he ate his spinach?  October must have been his favorite time of year, as it has been designated as National Spinach-Lovers’ Month.  I learned to eat many different...

Use your noodles!

Use your noodles! I will be forever grateful that my parents, especially my dad, taught me how to think for myself.  If I asked for help solving a problem, Dad didn’t necessarily spout out the solution.  He often guided me along the path of figuring out the...

Have a Cherry-ful Day!

It is time to write Cooks’ Corner again, the morning I use every week to sit down in front of my computer and type out what I am going to say.  Usually, I have very few, if any, interruptions.  However, today has been a different story.  Birthdays are...

A lesson learned

One of the most frequent comments I hear about my column is, “I love the stories about your grandchildren!”  So for those readers who enjoy them, this one’s for you! Elijah (2-1/2) is the source of the latest stories.  He seems to have taken his older sister Vivian’s...