by Sara Ray | Jul 15, 2020 | Cooks' Corner
There is an old saying that “All good things must come to an end.” Fourteen years ago, on July 13, 2006, The Shelbyville News contained my first “Cooks’ Corner” column. Others had written it before my turn started, and it was amazing to me that the...
by Sara Ray | Nov 27, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Another holiday is coming up, and sometimes I find it hard to face the idea that there will be someone missing at my Thanksgiving table. I remember the first meal my family had together after my husband graduated to Heaven. Things got quiet when we bowed...
by Sara Ray | Oct 8, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Remember the cartoon character Popeye? The one who was “strong to the finish” because he ate his spinach? October must have been his favorite time of year, as it has been designated as National Spinach-Lovers’ Month. I learned to eat many different...
by Sara Ray | Apr 3, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Bob, my late hubby, used to tell me that I was a creature of habit. He was oh, so correct. I have my routines, and I feel out of sorts when they are interrupted. I have even passed up things I really wanted to do because I was too comfortable in my...
by Sara Ray | Sep 19, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
September is National Honey Month. As I was looking through my recipes that include this sweet substance, I couldn’t help but be reminded that for me, the sweetest thing in life is the presence of God. I love the ways He shows up to remind me that He is there, even...