Christmas: A time for healing

I sorted through a lot of Christmas decorations trying to decide which ones I wanted to use this year.  Many of them brought back fond memories of my husband and children, especially the Christmas stockings that I had made for each of us.  One stocking, however, took...

Be strong to the finish; eat your spinach!

The definition of an anniversary: “the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event” (   Some we look forward to, such as wedding anniversaries and birthday anniversaries.  However, there are those we do not anticipate.  As much as I have loved...

Prayers, Pasta, and a Promise Fulfilled

Sometimes it seems that the road of life is a struggle.  There are smooth places along the way, yet they often come after we have faced a particularly difficult stretch of road.  One thing that has never failed to help me is the power of prayer.  Even when it feels...

Things go better with bacon

September has arrived, and with it came my daughter, Molly.  She was on her way home to Illinois from New Jersey, where she has been living since December, having been on active duty assignment with the Air Force for the past several months.  Although eager to see her...

Recipes that work for Labor Day

Summer is winding rapidly to a close.  Nights are becoming cooler, and it is getting dark much earlier.  However, summer still has one last hurrah – Labor Day.  I was having trouble deciding on which recipe(s) to delete out of the ones I selected but decided to cut...