Gratitude should be our attitude

Thanksgiving is the holiday occurring between Halloween and Christmas.  Although there is much more emphasis on the latter-mentioned celebrations, it is important to remember to be thankful for what we have.  Gratitude is often forgotten in today’s “it’s all about me”...

‘Tis the season for pumpkins

Last week was extremely busy for me; I had places to go almost every day.  I stayed home on Friday because I had special visitors.  Vivian (8) and Elijah (3) came to spend the night with Grammie.  Vivian has stayed with me before, but Elijah had never done so. My son,...

Make time for laughter

One thing that has kept my marriage strong is laughter.  Even when we were dating, Bob and I enjoyed moments filled with hold-you-sides-because-they-hurt hilarity.  We have found life to be much more enjoyable when we take time to laugh. Our children grew up with...

Count your blessings, including pumpkin!

If I had to name my least favorite month of the year, I would say, “November.”  Thinking of November brings to mind dreary days that are growing ever shorter.  The trees are bare (or getting rapidly to that state), and my garden is done for the year.  The weather is...