Pies are for sharing

“You need to learn to share.”  How many times did I hear that as a child?  How many times did I say it to my children?  I couldn’t even begin to tell you.  I have also uttered that phrase on countless occasions when I have been in charge of children, whether I was...

Laboring to make things work

I keep asking myself, “Where has the time gone?”  Labor Day, the unofficial end to summer, is one week from today, and I already see signs of autumn.  Leaves are falling here and there, and my garden is slowing down; even the zucchini plants are barely...

The pies have it!

One of my most practiced hobbies besides cooking and sewing is crocheting.  You might say I’m hooked on it.  My mother taught me how when I was around five or six years old, and I have made countless items since.  I started out making long chains; when...