by Sara Ray | May 6, 2020 | Cooks' Corner
The state of motherhood means there are children involved. Even if they are grown. Even when the title “Mom” is affectionately given to a special lady in one’s life. A mom might have natural-born children, or they may be adopted. Or foster children. Or those that...
by Sara Ray | Jan 24, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
One of my most practiced hobbies besides cooking and sewing is crocheting. You might say I’m hooked on it. My mother taught me how when I was around five or six years old, and I have made countless items since. I started out making long chains; when...
by Sara Ray | Nov 21, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, many refrigerators are bulging with items-in-waiting. Pies are either baking in the oven or set out for cooling. A turkey might be thawing in the fridge, or if someone is like me and forgot to take it out of the freezer soon enough,...