Chicken-hearted September

Just a warning – before reading this column, be aware that it has some fowl language. The word “chicken” is often associated with cowardice.  It has caused many a person to act in ways they would not ordinarily behave.  After all, who wants to be called a...

With Mother’s Day in Mind

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day – that time of year when we celebrate special women in our lives.  Not all of them are a biological parent.  I could name several ladies that served as mother-figures to me during various seasons of my existence.  I...

The saucy month of March

I do not know why March was chosen as National Sauce Month; however, after reading the definition of the word “saucy,” I have an idea.  According to, “saucy” means: 1. served with or having the consistency of sauce 2...

Sweets for your sweetie

What is black and white and red all over and comes in the middle of February?  It isn’t a sunburned penguin, nor is it an embarrassed skunk.    It’s also not a zebra running through a strawberry patch.  Give up?  It’s my annual column...