Green and found in the garden

Green and found in the garden

There are times when my calendar looks mercifully clear, and I look forward to time spent working on things I need to do around my house and yard.  Last week the only thing I had scheduled was a doctor appointment on Wednesday afternoon.  I had an ultrasound...

It’s green and grows in the garden

One of my favorite things of summer is fresh cucumbers right out of the garden.  My plants have finally started yielding their produce, and I am thoroughly enjoying the bounty. For the past several years, I have planted the pickling cucumber variety instead of their...

What to do with all of those…

I realized last year that all three of my children had a child in the same grade of school. This year, Vivian, Lincoln, and Liam will be in first grade. Liam loves to learn and is very curious about how things work. Recently, he was riding with his dad (my son Adam)...