by Sara Ray | Nov 6, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Here we are in November. The time has changed, dropping back an hour. It does get dark an hour earlier, but I like the fact that the sun comes up sooner in the morning. I guess there are pros and cons to the whole time change business; if it were up...
by Sara Ray | Oct 2, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
This past weekend was something I had been anticipating. The plan was for it to be filled with time with my grandchildren. Things started out well; my son Jonathan brought his son Elijah (4) on Friday morning. After Jonathan left, Elijah and I went through a book...
by Sara Ray | Jul 10, 2019 | Cooks' Corner
Some people consider the number thirteen to be unlucky, and they go to great lengths to avoid it. For instance, according to, many United States hotels and high-rise buildings do not have a thirteenth floor. Airports avoid numbering gates “13;”...
by Sara Ray | Dec 5, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
It’s cookie time! Christmas cookie baking has long been a tradition at the Ray household. I have recipes that are old favorites, but I frequently try new ones as well. In preparation for this particular column, I went through a stack of recipes I have clipped out of...
by Sara Ray | Sep 5, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
It’s September, which means football season is underway. For some people, it is an exciting time as they root for their favorite teams, whether it be high school, college, or professional. If I had to pick a favorite sport, I guess I would say it is football,...