May: The Season for Asparagus

What would life be without asparagus?  If that question had been asked of me as a child, I would have answered, “Wonderful!”  I hated the stuff.  My parents loved it, though, and so springtime meals were often a challenge for me.  There was a large...

Spring brings asparagus

Spring is the season of new life.  Now that the weather is finally warming up, the world around me is awakening from its long winter’s sleep. I love listening to the birds singing in the pre-dawn darkness.  Later in the day, I watch them as they gather bits...

Down Memory Lane

There is a saying that goes like this: “Be careful what you pray for,” meaning that your request may be granted in an unexpected (and possibly undesired) way.  Recently I had been looking at all the boxes of books and other stuff in my basement and praying for the...

Spring brings fresh asparagus and lots of love!

This past week has been a whirlwind of activity.  My 12-year-old granddaughter Maggie was with me for the week.  My daughter Molly (Maggie’s mother) traveled to be with us for a few days, arriving shortly before midnight on Tuesday.  Molly is active duty Air Force for...