by Sara Ray | May 23, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
May is hard for me to deal with. I love the beauty of late spring as it bursts forth in flowers; however, my allergies do not. I always feel draggy and tired and wonder if something is wrong with me; thinking about it reveals the problem: it’s May. The month is...
by Sara Ray | May 16, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
When checking my list of special designations for each month, I discovered that May is “National Share A Story Month.” I have written about it in the past, but it is not something I recall from year to year. I tried to think of a story that has not appeared in...
by Sara Ray | May 9, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
One of the greatest needs of motherhood is wisdom. I cannot even begin to say how many times during my child-rearing years that I prayed for just that. A recent conversation with my daughter-in-law, Heather, reminded me just how much wisdom it takes to understand...
by Sara Ray | May 2, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
Cinco de Mayo is on Saturday of this week. I searched for some Mexican-style recipes that I had not tried before, and my kitchen has seen quite a bit of activity the past few days. While I prepared the different dishes, I couldn’t help but remember something that...
by Sara Ray | Apr 25, 2018 | Cooks' Corner
One of the most frequent comments I hear about my column is, “I love the stories about your grandchildren!” So for those readers who enjoy them, this one’s for you! Elijah (2-1/2) is the source of the latest stories. He seems to have taken his older sister Vivian’s...